​Youth WASH Coalition Africa (YWCA) formerly the Liberia Youth WASH Coalition established in 2012 is a consortium of civil society youth-led and youth-focused organizations advocating and campaigning for access to clean water and better sanitation for young people in some of Africa’s poorest regions through research, policy advocacy, awareness, sensitization and capacity building

WFAD continues to be one of the largest networks within the field. As a member of WFAD, you are part of our growing network of organizations and individuals working towards a drug-free world.
Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition a national umbrella membership organization that brings together Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and activists in the fight against corruption in Liberia.
The Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition a conglomeration of eight registered civil Society organizations aimed at promoting fiscal transparency, grass-root advocacy, Public Contract Monitoring, Transparency in Natural Resource Governance, and accountability in local government administration, integrity building and strengthening organizations and anti-corruption activists engagement in the fight against corruption in Liberia, launched in 2019 with support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Legal Professional Development & Anti-Corruption Program (LPAC).

Elections Network-Liberia (EN-Liberia) is a conglomeration of three (3) registered civil society organizations formed to co-ordinate activities pertaining to Democracy, Peacebuilding and Electoral Accountability in Liberia. The primary focus of the Network is to strengthen democratic processes that promote youth, women and disabled persons’ participation in free, fair, and transparent elections in particular.
GASD actively pursues partnerships with other donors, international and national networks and NGOs to facilitate access to funding, resources, and training;
GASD recently ended a twenty months (January 2017- August 2018) drug preventing project in four counties in Liberia with support from the UNODC, ECOWAS and funded by the European Union. Most recently during the pre-election process, GASD with funding from the Ministry of Youth & Sports implemented a three months project that focused on elections non-violence campaigns in ten electoral districts in Montserrado County using sports as a vehicle to mobilized citizens.
During the heat of the Ebola crisis, GASD coordinated a nationwide initiative known as the National Youth Action against Ebola where over six hundred youths were trained in Ebola virus prevention, Community Mobilization, and data collection methodology.
GASD/COYPED has worked and partnered with national and international institutions including the US-Embassy-Monrovia, UNFPA, UNODC, ECOWAS, EU, Friends of Liberia, Ministry of Youth & Sports, Liberia Education Trust-Monrovia, Women NGO Secretariat of Liberia, Federation of Liberian Youth, Youth Service America, Liberia CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition, CSO WASH Network and is a beneficiary of the Civil Society & Media Leadership Program implemented by IREX with funding from USAID.
Through its programs and activities over the years, over 2200 primary school children mainly girls have benefitted from its Children Study & Play Program initiated since 2010. Under the Disadvantaged Girls Scholarship Program, 280 girls from primary and secondary schools in Montserrado County have benefited thus far. 20 schools and over 5000 students benefitted from the WASH in Schools project in 2015. Over 500 adolescents and youths have benefited from sexual and reproductive health education in Bomi County. GASD recently launch Liberia’s first independent youth-focused newspaper (Youth Voices) that is providing civic education, SGBV awareness and advocating for youth rights and providing young people the platform where they can express their views on critical national issues as well as providing anti-corruption awareness.