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GASD, LINSU Set to Launch Substance Abuse Free Environment (SAFE) School-Based Intervention Program... holds Strategic Partnership Meeting with MCSS

Media Unit

Earlier today, the Program Management Team of the Substance Abuse Free Environment (SAFE) School Based Intervention Program met with the Leadership of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (MCSS). Speaking at the Strategic partnership meeting, the Superintendent of the MCSS Hon. Isaac Saye-Lakpoh Zawolo welcome the team and expressed his organization interest in the partnership that is intended to see the SAFE Program been implemented across all MCSS Schools.


Mr. Zawolo welcomed the partnership and stressed that his institution will work with the SAFE Program implementers to have a successful implementation of the program across all MCSS schools focusing Junior and senior high schools.


Making a summary presentation, Christopher Saah Bangaou, SAFE Program Manager, inform the principals and executive of the MCSS that the SAFE Program is a pioneering initiative developed by the Global Action for Sustainable Development in partnership with the Liberia National Students Union aimed at addressing the critical issue of substance abuse among school-going children and young people in Liberia. As the first evidence-based drug prevention school-based intervention in the nation.


The SAFE Program Manager stressed that the SAFE is strategically designed to enhance drug prevention efforts across all schools in Liberia. Considering the program's potential impact, we are eager to explore the possibility of collaboration with the Monrovia Consolidated School System. We believe that your commitment to education aligns with our goals, and a partnership would significantly contribute to the success of the SAFE Program, Mr. Bangaou noted.


He further stated that the primary goal of the SAFE Program is to equip students with the skills necessary to develop, adopt, and sustain healthy attitudes and behaviors, fostering a drug-free society. The program focuses on three key strategies: School Policy, School Climate, and Prevention Curriculum. Tailored intervention activities will be informed by comprehensive data, including student-school survey data, archival data, and input from the Prevention Leadership Action Team.


Also speaking, the Deputy Secretary for Programs at the Liberia National Student Union, Alvin Fiaka stressed that partnering with the MCSS will have a significant impact on the program and overall the student population and highlighted the next steps with the engagement with the MCSS to have a successful launch of the program in the coming weeks.


Other members of the SAFE Team included, Mr. McCarthy Teayah, National Program Director of GASD and Presidential press Secretary of LINSU.



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